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The Theology of John Wesley: Online Course, Donations to Benefit Disability Ministries of the UMC

The course is free, but in exchange, please consider making a donation to the Disability Ministries Committee of the United Methodist Church (Advance #3021054)


My name is Rev. Rebecca L. Holland. I am an author and ordained elder serving in the Susquehanna Conference of the UMC. Recently, I was honored to be asked to serve as the chair of communications for Disability Ministries of the United Methodist Church. I also chair my own conference’s disability task force.

Last month, my District Superintendent asked if I would teach a course in Wesleyan theology to students who are pursuing ordination. Instead of asking for payment, I had the idea of requesting for donations to be made to Disability Ministries.

I have joined forces with a wise friend of mine, Rev. Charles Baughman, and we are excited to offer this course together. Charles has a passion for sacramental theology and over fifty years of experience in congregational ministry.

I hope that you will consider joining us on this journey of learning!

Image of John Wesley from Wikimedia Commons. Image shows a portrait of John Wesley.

Wesleyan Theology: An Online Course. Donations Benefit Disability Ministries

Official announcement:

Rev. Rebecca L. Holland (chair of communications for DMC) and Rev. Charles Baughman are offering an online course with a focus on Wesleyan Theology.

The course is four weeks. It will run from April 12th through May 3rd. It will be held on Monday evenings at 6:30PM EST.

This class was designed especially to help students seeking ordination in the United Methodist Church, but everyone is welcome to attend. The coursework is suitable for any person who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the work of John and Charles Wesley.

Course Content

The course will focus on a Wesleyan understanding of:

  • God and the Holy Trinity
  • Sin
  • Salvation
  • The Kingdom of Heaven
  • The Sacraments
  • Eschatology
  • The role of the church


Students are strongly encouraged to obtain a copy of John Wesley: Holy Love and the Shape of Grace by Kenneth J. Collins and Albert C. Outler’s edition of Wesley’s sermons (affiliate links).

Please support Disability Ministries!

There is no cost for this course, but in exchange, please consider making a donation to the Disability Ministries Committee of the United Methodist Church (Advance #3021054)

To Register:

If you are interested in registering, please use this CONTACT FORM to send a note that includes your name and your email address. You will be sent a ZOOM link before the class is scheduled to start.

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