Order of St. Luke, Pastoral Life

Order of St. Luke Retreat


Sr. Carol and I in our OSL scapulars. The symbols represent the sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion.

Dear Reader,

My mind is racing as I try to gather my thoughts. I’m working hard to get everything in order so that I will be ready for the Order of St. Luke retreat this coming week. The retreat takes place at a beautiful monastery with a lovely prayer garden. It’s the perfect place to relax, unwind, and connect with God.

The Order of St. Luke (OSL) is a wonderful group that attracts some of the smartest and most gifted people I know. It is always a joy to join them for worship, communion, and fellowship. Many of them are talented writers, musicians, and artists. I am hoping that some of them may have some tips regarding my current writing project, a book of Christian nonfiction about using the discipline of spiritual journaling to connect with God.

During the retreat, we keep the daily office, and have church at least three times a day. There is something beautiful about the repeated rhythm of worship that always helps to soothe my the edges of my frayed spirit. I very much enjoy my time at the monastery and retreat center.

While in seminary, I was taught that some people are called to remove themselves from the secular world in order to commit themselves to prayer for the entire world. The Apostle Paul writes that the entire world cries out and groans in need of a Savior (Rom. 8:22). During dark and stressful days of my life, I like to picture the friendly monks from the retreat center in their cells or in the quiet chapel, praying for the entire world. I know that I am not called to such a life of prayer and quiet contemplation, but I am comforted knowing that such people exist and that they are praying for all of creation.

One of the joys of the Order of St. Luke (OSL) is the knowledge that someone is praying for you. When we join the Order, we promise to do our best to try to pray the daily office on our own after our time of gathering has ended. The mission of OSL is to promote knowledge and understanding regarding the sacraments so that future generations will continue to have access to the holy mysteries. OSL is open to both clergy and laity with members throughout the world. This means that if you are a member of OSL, someone is praying for you somewhere in the world.

To learn more about the order about the Order of St. Luke, or to see one of the great creative projects in which our members are involved, check out Sr. Carol at Faith Break . Faith Break is a great radio show that Sr. Carol hosts. She is also the person who can guide you if you are interested in joining OSL! I’m so excited and I can’t wait to see everyone. Nevertheless, I have a great deal of work to do before I leave.

Wish me luck!

Peace Be With You,

-Rev. Rebecca

5 thoughts on “Order of St. Luke Retreat”

  1. Dear Sister: I was glad to find your blog and look forward to following it. I have been a member of the Order since 1976, first as a member of the Western Pennsylvania Chapter and then more actively as a member of the General Chapter. I too feel that same excitement whenever it is time to attend the General Chapter or the annual retreat. May you too be blessed among us!
    Br David


    1. Dear Br. David,

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I had a lovely and spirit-filled time on the retreat. It was such a joyful experience to get to know everyone and to worship together! Thanks for reading 🙂

      Take Care!
      -Sr. Bekah


  2. Hi, Bekah! I enjoyed spending time with you at the Retreat! I hope you plan to publish reflections on your experience, now that you’re home. Like you, I find OSL and the annual retreat quite uplifting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Br. French,
      I had at fabulous time at the retreat! I’m sending you prayers and warm wishes! It was great spending time with everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and comment. I love connecting with people 🙂

      Take Care,
      Sr. Bekah


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